Friday, December 4, 2015


With the cave tour done in Belize, I decided to nix the other things I'd considered in Belize (one because the road was said to be pretty bad, the other because I'd heard lackluster reviews) and head out for Guatemala. First stop: Tikal. Well, really, the first stop was the border crossing.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Bella's in Belize

I pulled the bike into the courtyard in the back of Bella's hostel, and was immediately accosted by a tiny puppy, no more than a few weeks old by the looks of him. I talked a bit to the woman at the desk, and she let me know about the tours they could set up, and they covered all of the things I'd wanted to see around the area. Afterwards as it got dark I headed upstairs to the outdoor lounge where there was a guitar just sitting on the couch.

The hostel was looking pretty good already.